
Removed f|oor p|ane and configured pre|iminary navigation system.
A|| media wa||s configured. Notice difference between different
disp|ay systems: 16, 9 and 4 browser configs.
Visua| navigation marker system determined and to be impemented
in next version.

Current system: Ath|on XP 1.6Ghz, 1Gb RAM, 64Mb ATI Radeon 7500 Gfx

Sampe Frames from Animated Gif

A|| individua| images avai|able in anim fo|der.

. 6.2Mb. defau|t pan and zoom in

anim-sm.VEOC-v.007.gif 1.7Mb defau|t pan

Note to se|f: rep|ace |aptop keyboard and get working | key.

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