East Mojave Desert Project 2004


Contexts for the Desert 19:

Future Desert

Solar Two power plant, Daggett, CA; color pixels in Sam's Town Casino sign, Henderson, NV

There's an old parable about some people riding on a runaway train towards a downed trestle, arguing over which way to lean in their seats to steer the train away from disaster. The moral is that you don't change the course of a train by leaning; you change its course by getting way out in front and laying new track.

You can argue that this is no help to the people on the train, and you'd be right, but nevertheless, the only way to change the course of a train is to get way out in front and lay new track. All the trains rolling around now are on track somebody laid in the past.

Applying this parable to the future, it is clear to me that making plans and publicizing them can sometime be sufficient to create an outcome. Jules Verne described a submarine named Nautilus the was powered by "molecular energy" and went under the polar ice caps; the US Navy built it and did it. By this logic, the people who will influence the future of the East Mojave Desert are the ones creating and publicizing plans for its future. These include:

As long as I'm listing scenarios, I'd like to toss in a few I dreamed up:


Last update 12:31 PM Fri. 27-Feb-2004 by ABS.
© 2004 Alan B. Scrivener