JJ's modules

Module name

DLL file

neattools appearance


StaticPattern JStaticPattern.dll blue band at top and bottom, SPattern creates and detects up to 10 static gestures based on up to 10 inputs.

Gestures can be created one by one under manual control, or automatically using the StaticCreator module
StaticCreator JStaticCreator.dll cyan color, sCrt Works in cooperation with StaticPattern.

Output from bottom of StaticPattern is input to StaticCreator, output of StaticCreator sends a "create pattern" signal to StaticPattern
DynamicPattern JDynamicPattern.dll black with small purple box in upper left corner Works in cooperation with StaticPattern, accepts patterns detected by StaticPattern, creates patterns that are a time delimited sequence of StaticPattern outputs
DynamicCreator JDynamicCreator.dll cyan color, dCrt Works in cooperation with DynamicPattern.

Output from bottom of DynamicPattern indicates when pattern should be created. DynamicCreator then sends signal to DynamicPattern.
SocketClient JSocketObj.dll cyan color, Socket client Temporary replacement for Yuh-Jye's JSocketObj.dll. This one includes a 2 byte header indicating size of outgoing data. Receiving program has to recognize this.

NOTE: I did not make the JServerSocketObj.dll that handles this, didn't know how to do it. Using this only with external data visualizer program.

NOTE: I expect this to be replaced eventually by an official Yuh-Jye replacement module.
VizObj JVizObj.dll cyan color, Viz interface to external 3D data visualization program.
MR25 JMR25Obj.dll cyan color, MR25 MR-25 input device
RobotControl JRobotControlObj.dll cyan color, JRobot interface to robot from ?? (davew knows)
Flock of Birds JFlockOfBirdsObj.dll cyan color, flockOfBirds interface to flock of birds device
Polhemus JPolhemusObj.dll cyan color, polhemus interface to polhemus device
Humanoid Visualizer JHumanoidObj.dll cyan color, JHumanoid interface to WorldView based VRML humanoid visualizer. Some installation problems still to be resolved, state questionable, WorldView out of business, product no longer supported.

Could resurrect this at some point...
Module generator not a module!   I use this to create neattools modules, not to be confused with Rob's Module creator.

This is an executable program that takes an XML description of a module as input, and generates the C++ source and header file, and a MSVC++ 6.0 make file for the module. In some cases creates totally functioning module (e.g. JRobotControlObj was 100% generated)

Module Conventions I use:

  Controls: controls are things like "calibration", "enable", etc. that affect the behavior of the module. These I always put at the top of the module  
Inputs: inputs go into the left side of the module, these are the raw data processed by the module. neattools modules are always rectangles. The LEFT and TOP sides feed data into the module. The RIGHT and BOTTOM take data out of the module. Outputs: the outputs appear on the right of the module, and result from how the module processes the inputs.
  Commands: these are any outputs that are used to control other modules (i.e. they connect to another module's "controls")  

Static Pattern Module

Static Creator Module

Dynamic Pattern Module

Dynamic Creator Module

Socket Client Module (temporary replacement, used only by interface to 3D Data Visualizer)

Interface to 3D Data Visualizer